Welcome to Episode 15 of the Birding Tools Podcast.
In this episode, I have the honor of sitting down with Melissa Hafting, aka BC Birdergirl, Founder of the BC Young Birder’s Program, manager of the BC Rare Bird Alert, and eBird reviewer.
Melissa shares with us how she got started in the birding world, her tips and insights about photography, her founding of the BC Young Birder’s Program, and how the birding community can work to progress diversity, equity, and inclusion in our birding spaces.
I was so excited to have the opportunity to chat with Melissa about all these different topics and have her share with you a little more about herself!
Follow Melissa on Instagram at @bcbirdergirl or at her blog, Dare to Bird!

Photo courtesy of Melissa Hafting
Here’s how the episode goes
[1:45] Everyone’s birding story is different, and we love hearing how Melissa got started in the birding world.
[3:48] Melissa became a birder first, and now uses her beautiful photography skills to highlight birds in their habitats. Take a listen to her insights and information for getting started with bird photography and her tips for getting a good bird photo.
[10:20] In 2016, Melissa founded the BC Young Birder’s Program to give new and upcoming young birders the opportunity to learn about birds. She talks about how she started the program, why it’s important, and how you can start your own young birder program, too.
[19:40] If you’re interested in twitching, or jetting out to find rare birds in your local or regional area to add birds to your life list, consider joining a rare bird alert listserv where you are located. If there isn’t one currently in your area, consider reaching out to start one yourself!
[25:00] Progress still needs to be made in the birding community to ensure the progress of diverse, equitable, and inclusive spaces and programs overall. Melissa provides her take on what the community can do to help progress this mission forward.
You can also read more about getting started on our birding endeavors on our Get Started page!
P.S., If you need a hand with bird ID, head over to download our free downloadable guide here!
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Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Thank you!
Links Mentioned in this Podcast
- Intro to Birding Audio Mini-Course
- Melissa’s website – Dare To Bird
- BC Rare Bird Alert
- BC Young Birder’s Program
- Melissa’s Instagram – BCBirderGirl
- Rare Bird Alert Updates from the American Birding Association
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