Welcome to Episode 4 of the Birding Tools Podcast.

In this episode, I’ll be delving into the ins and outs of birding ethics, including how to reduce impacts on birds, the habitats on which they depend, and our fellow birders.

Whether you’re just starting on your birdwatching endeavors or you’ve been birding for years, this is a really important topic we should all continue striving toward.

Oh, and I’d love to see you join me over at our Birding Tools Facebook Community! Connect with other birders and post your birding photos, wins, and questions – can’t wait to see you there.

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Here’s how the episode goes

[1:55] The American Birding Association (ABA) Code of Birding Ethics reminds birders to respect birds, their habitats, our fellow birders, and the laws and regulations where people go to see birds.

[2:20] To respect and promote the welfare of birds, we, as birders, need to understand how to reduce negative impacts on birds. Giving birds their space, such as limiting the amount of audio playback we use and not outing locations of sensitive birds, goes a long way in helping birds.

[8:04] Promoting good bird habitats and environments helps protect the birds we so love to see and the environments on which they depend. This includes creating healthy environments in your backyard if you’re attracting or feeding birds!

[10:04] Respecting your fellow birders involves being kind to them while they’re out birding and making them feel welcome, especially encouraging new birders. Particularly, our birding shouldn’t ever involve breaking laws, rules, or regulations, including not trespassing on private property.

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You can also read more about getting started on our birding endeavors on our Get Started page!

P.S. If you need a hand with bird ID, head over to download our free downloadable guide here!

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Links Mentioned in this Podcast

Lots of great beginner’s tools and resources are mentioned in this episode. Since we are based in North America, our focus tends to be on North American birds and resources.

However, if you need a hand finding the best resources for your country or region, please reach out so we can help you start birding on the right foot.

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