Welcome to Episode 12 of the Birding Tools Podcast.
In this episode, I dive into why winter birding is special, tips for wintertime birding, and how to find birds during this season of the year.
While winter birding comes with its own challenges, it’s a great time of year to see birds you might not find at other times of the year as well as hone your ID skills.
Here’s how the episode goes
[1:50] Wintertime is an awesome time of year to go birding because there are fewer crowds, even if the weather is less than ideal sometimes. Plus, winter birds means potentially seeing birds that wouldn’t usually be around at other times of the year!
[5:11] It can also be a challenge to bird in the wintertime. For one, birds are a lot more quiet and dispersed. But, especially challenging is the fact that plumages colors change in winter!
[8:47] To find birds in winter, take a look at the places where there’s food and shelter – even your backyard. Marshes, wetlands, and shorelines are teeming with various waterbirds and shorebirds.
You can also read more about getting started on our birding endeavors on our Get Started page!
P.S., If you need a hand with bird ID, head over to download our free downloadable guide here!
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Links Mentioned in this Podcast
The links mentioned in this episode are specific to the Global Big Day and Global Birding Weekend, which are both worldwide events. If you aren’t finding the resources you need to participate in these events, please reach out!
- “How to ID Birds” Free Downloadable Guide
- Songbirding Spring Birds Podcast Episode
- Songbirding Winter Birds Podcast Episode
- eBird Hotpsot Map
- Birding Pal
- Starling Murmuration Video

Thousands of Snow Geese roost together at Bosque del Apache National Park, New Mexico. Photo by Nathan Rolls

Christa participating in the winter Puget Sound Shorebird Count in Washington State, U.S. Photo by Christa Rolls
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